Reasons To Buy A Mom’s Horse

by Michelle on February 7, 2018

LailaOakThere are all kinds of trainers out there. Guys and gals of all ages, training and selling horses. Many times, it’s not trainers that are selling horses, but just the average horse owner looking for a change. No matter whether she’s a mom trainer or a mom horse owner, there are plenty of perks to buying from a MOM.

Being a mom of two young kids myself, I know the horses I’m riding now are far different than those I rode pre-kids. A mom will make sure she’s riding horses that can handle short and sweet rides. They are used to a quick warm up and cool down, they know if they do everything right, momma’s gonna put them away real quick.

They can handle stopping in the middle of a circle and having their rider yell “what do you want now?” They don’t take the yelling personally, it’s normal and they know it has nothing to do with them. You can bet he stands tied well as mom probably had to abandon him at some point to deal with a meltdown or injury of some sort while she was trying to ride.

If a mom’s horse is sound, you know it’s not because she spent all day icing his legs or doing some other kind of therapy. Rarely do moms have extra time to bring a lame horse back to soundness or to limp one along. These horses get more of a turn out healing program with fingers crossed they’ll be good to go after soccer season.

You can’t buy the kind of exposure moms horses get.  It just not everywhere that little elf sized people rollerblade in the barn alley or run by with balloons. Not every arena or barn ally has Tonka toys sprawled throughout the sand to circle around our weave through. Where else can you get a horse stroller broke or broke to umbrellas opening and closing repeatedly while walking Lailabouncybeside them? At one point we even had a bouncy castle set up in our indoor arena. And ponies, you don’t have to worry about these mom horses freaking out at ponies when you’re out. They’ve already done that at home and are used to the little guys. You can’t pay for that kind of exposure.

If a mom’s horse dubs as a horse the kids can ride (even while being led) you know he’s a trustworthy fella. A mom would never throw their pride and joy on to something that she didn’t trust. If the kids can lead him and brush him, you know you’ve found a kind soul.

Buying a mom’s horse you’re sure to get something low maintenance, drama free, that’s been exposed to things you’ve never thought of. From swing sets to wild animal calls to sticky things and shiny things. You can ask her why she’s selling but we can only hope it’s so she can bring the next “kid exposed” prospect up because the world needs more mom horses.

No offense Dads.  I know you can make “Dad” horses too.

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