Lindsay Sears and her horse Martha are sewing up a world championship. Mathematically she could be beat, but if past performance dictates anything Martha should be on track to beat a world record. Martha is known to get faster and faster with every run and that is what is happening. 4 one hundredths from the record last night, it will be exciting to watch tonight and see if she can get it done. I watched Lindsay accept her round buckle from the 6th round and she said that Martha was handling the ground better every night as they got closer to the top of the ground. If Martha wins the world she will be the first horse in over 40 years to have run to the left and won. She will also join a handful of mares to be on the list.
2 Canadian horses also dominated the Steer Wrestling. Willy (with Curtis) tying for first Jesse (with Trevor Knowles)
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