Sandy Ridge Stallion Station – Home To 6 Great Stallions

by Michelle on December 18, 2014

Sandy Ridge Stallion Station is a family-based business owned by Doug & Carol Schaffer of Bassano, Alberta.  They currently stand six great stallions, SPECIAL FEATUREbut over 60 have stood at this well known ranch over the years.  Sandy Ridge Stallion Station has a very long and reputable history in Alberta standing some of Canada’s most well known barrel racing sires. Those who seek horseback riding Smith Mountain Lake may inquire at Slocum Appaloosa Ranch.

This interview is the fifth in this special series of ranch interviews.  Thank you Carol for taking the time to answer our questions.

Tell us about the history of your ranch.  How long you have been breeding Quarter Horses?

doug_carol_schaffer2bAs high school sweethearts, we were married in 1972 and had no idea that our love for horses would go this far. Doug grew up in town but all he ever wanted to be was a cowboy.  He started riding at the local ranch cow camps at age 13.  He even quit school in grade 10 to work at XL Ranches. That winter he rode horseback nearly 20 miles a day chopping water holes along the Bow River for the cattle, but next fall, he was the first one back to school – and with a different attitude!  I (Carol) grew up on a cattle ranch just one mile east of where they live now.

Our goal is to offer good looking, world-class stallions with speed and/or cow genetics at reasonable prices. These stallions must have strong, proven pedigrees, top and bottom sides, good conformation, dispositions and where possible a proven performance record. The reason for requiring proven genetics is simple, as the odds of a champion are more likely with proven genes.  As the saying goes, “The cream rises to the top”.  Over the years, we found that we were catering to the barrel racers which is where we are today.  At 16 Doug acquired his first stallion,  a son of Leo.  Since then we have stood over 60 stallions, such as sons of Three Bars, Vandy, Dash For Cash and more recently stood stallions such as including Givemalickin, Mr Horton, Terribly Wicked, Docs Paradise and most recently Fast Moon Chic.  A list for all the stallions can be found on our website.

Doug would buy a stallion, then upgrade to another one – sort of an addition for the ultimate.  We are fortunate to have the stallions we have now, sons of the two Leading Barrel sires, Dash Ta Fame & Frenchmans Guy, a son of Mr Jess Perry, a Leading Race Sire, a son of High Brow Cat, the Leading Cutting Horse Sire…. We realize that all stallions don’t work on all mares which is why we offer a variety to the public.

What keeps you going during the hard days?

Yes, hard days come and we deal with them the best we can and look to the future. Every day is a gift, what we do with it is up to us.  We can’t change the past, but we can learn from it.

We are rewarded by the successes of our horses and the excitement in our clientele’s voices. It’s such a thrill to receive news that our stallions’ offspring are excelling!

When we first began, it seemed that many people had “advice” for us….”you should do this, you should do that”.  We were breaking into a world of “experienced breeders and knowledgeable horsemen”.  It was ‘learn as we go’ and ‘go with our hearts’ and we tried to live by the golden rule; “Treat others as you would have others do unto you”.

Of course this doesn’t pay the bills and we have to re-evaluate every year.  About 35 years ago, we sold our stallion and sent our 3 mares out for breeding, but the results were less than desirable.  That fall Doug bought another stallion from Utah for just $3500 and bred 20 mares to him at $500.  So we were back in the business again.  Eventually we progressed to two stallions, then three, and a few for others, etc.  Since we were already tied down it wasn’t a big deal. Today we stand only our stallions.

What is your favorite part about standing a stallion public?

Our favorite part of standing stallions to the public is the people that we meet and the great mares they bring.  This has given us an opportunity to meet people from all walks of life.  People who all have a common interest – good horses.  After being in the business this many years, we find it fascinating how many horses we recognize in horses’ pedigrees that we see throughout the year.

What made you pick your stallions? 

As previously mentioned, it is our goal to pick stallions that are as close to the leading sire from an equally strong female line.  We feel very fortunate to have many stallions that meet these criteria.   


When Doug first saw Hezgottabefamous on Barrel Horse World, he acted quickly to buy this son of the #1 Leading Sire of the Decade, Dash Ta Fame out of a provenHezgottabefamous + text daughter of Rocket Wrangler, an All Time Leading Sire, sire to Dash For Cash.  Hezgottabefamous is an exceptionally good looking son of Dash Ta Fame and has the conformation of a cow horse, and is very cowy.  He was trained for 2 years by a professional cutting horse trainer who was quite disappointed to not be able to compete on him.    He stands just 15.1 hh and has a very mellow disposition and good mind.

As a young sire, Hezgottabefamous has had just a few to compete showing great promise.  Mostly recently one of his colts, Docs Famous out of a daughter of Docs Paradise placed 2nd at the CBHI Super Stakes winning $7500 and $1360 for 5th in the futurity, which was his second time to compete!

A Classic GuyA Classic Guy 2.jpg2

A Classic Guy, by Frenchmans Guy was originally the ‘featured yearling’ in the Meyers Production Sale catalogue.  Not only was Doug was impressed with his looks, but was totally sold on his dam, Classic Keepsake si98, daughter of Dash For Cash si114, two time World Race Champion, an All Time Leading Sire.  Classic Keepsake is the dam of 2 AAA, 1 TAAA, a stakes winner, with offspring earnings of $130,000.  The bottom side on Classic Keepsake is even stronger being out of Rapid Volley si100, World Champion by Three Bars out of Table Tennis si100, also a World Champion.

A Classic Guy is a very athletic, intelligent stallion. His oldest Canadian foals just turned 3 this year.  He was the Hi-Selling Stallion in the 2014 CBHI Stallion Auction for $3100.  Interestingly, three of the gals that were bidding on him, already had A Classic Guy yearlings at home.

Crimson JessCrimson Jess text pedigree

Doug has always felt strongly about Streakin La Jolla si99 and when his son Mr Jess Perry si113, World Champion became a World Champion Sire, Doug wanted to have a son of his.  At this point in time, Doug noticed a son of Mr Jess Perry, Crimson Jess si98, NW HiPt 3 Yr Old & Aged Stallion standing at stud in Montana.  For a couple years he wondered how he was going to afford a stallion that could compete with him.   But apparently it was in the cards for us to own him, as while at the races in Kalispell that summer, he was introduced to Crimson Jess’ owner, Al Carruthers, who was turning 75 that day and had decided it was time to sell.  It was a no brainer and they struck a deal.

Crimson Jess became the 2012 Leading Alberta Race Horse, 2012 CBHI Futurity Sire and from limited race starters, 4AAA, 1TAAA, 2 stakes winners, 4 stakes win and a Canadian Champion Race Horse with total offspring earnings of $145,859.

Lanas CatLanas Cat

About 12 years ago Doug missed out on a son of High Brow Cat by just minutes.  High Brow Cat is the #1 Cutting Horse Sire of the Decade whose offspring have won over $60,000,000. The lady that purchased the first stallion tripled her money in just one week.  Since then Doug has been on the lookout for another one, that he could afford, as he felt they would cross well on running bred mares for barrel prospects.  When he found Lanas Cat in the fall of 2013, just minutes from home, he purchased him immediately.  Lanas Cat has size, body, bone and has AQHA Roping points.  He has a proven dam whose colts have won over $100,000.

Plain SpecialPlain Special

Plain Special came to us already proven.  Not only does he have a solid pedigree of proven sires and dams, he is the sire of multiple Pro Rodeo barrel horses, CFR qualifier, Barrel Futurity/Derby winners/qualifiers. He is the #2 2012 Derby Barrel Horse Sire.   Plain Special is, sired by Send Cash si94, $45,782 Stakes Winner by World Champion, Dash For Cash si114, an All Time Leading Sire.    His mother Ritzy and Racy si95 is out of a daughter of Special Effort si104, World Champion out of a daughter of Jet Deck Junior, TAAA, World Champion.

Root Beers BootsRoot Beers Boots

We first saw Root Beers Boots as a foal when his mother returned for breeding to his father, Root Beer Doc, 1987 HiPt Jr Working Cowhorse, 7th place AQHA Jr Working Cowhorse World Champion.

We were very impressed with the liver chestnut with four stockings and Doug bought him that fall so Carol would have a ‘cute gelding’ to ride.  It was next spring that we realized what an individual he was and decided let the gelding knife pass by him ‘for now’.  He was sent out for training the next spring, and again in the fall.  It wasn’t until December that we realized Locke Duce, our trainer wanted to compete on him.  We’d had no intention of proving him, but when the dust had settled, he’d won $7,410.48 and multiple reining futurities, bronzes, including a trailer.

After two years retirement, Lynette Brodoway rode him for a winter, transforming him into a 1-D Barrel Winner.  From just a few foals to compete, he has sired SR Root Sixty Six, Canadian HiPt Derby Horse and recently two more champions, SR Effort Inmy Boots, Futurity Champion, 3 x Futurity Finalist; SR Uno Boots, 4 x Futurity Finalist.  Root Beers Boots earned the title of 2014 #10 5 Yr Leading Derby Sire.  He is also the sire of a Champion Working Cowhorse and a Champion Reining Horse!

Although Root Beers Boots didn’t have a proven mother, she had a proven performance pedigree consisting of Hyline Pepper, Sir Quincy Bob and Fintry Tom Cat.

We are thrilled with Root Beers Boots and glad that we did not geld him!

Tell us about the mare power at your ranch.

As with our stallions, we feel that ‘mare power’ is as important as ‘stallion power’.  We have always felt we should have a few mares on hand to be able to show our clients what to expect from breeding to our stallions.  Over the years we have acquired some very well bred, proven mares.  We have daughters of Frenchmans Guy, Bully Bullion, Dash For Perks, Fire Water Flit, Valiant Hero, Streakin La Jolla, Special Leader, Mr Eye Opener, Six Fols, Martha Six Moons, Docs Paradise, Givemalickin, etc.  Many of these mares are proven mares &/or proven producers.  For more details on our broodmares please check out the Mare Page on our website.

Could you offer some tips to mare owners who are shopping for stallion services?

We would recommend to pick out stallions that are advertised and accepted in the industry, one that will complement your mare.  We feel that it is important to be able to send your mare to a place where the mare will return in foal and in good condition.  Prior breeding be sure that you are aware of that stable’s guarantees, procedures and expectations.  As a word of caution, when selecting a stallion, be cautious that you don’t have get more much money tied up in expenses than you could ever recover from the sale of your foal.

Would could you offer for advice to someone getting into the breeding business?

The breeding business is not a ‘glory trip’.  If you are not willing to commit nearly your whole spring and summer to the stallion business it is not for you.  Here at Sandy Ridge it has become a way of life for us.

For more information on Sandy Ridge Stallion Station, visit their website here

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