Oakley and Lunde win LRA Finals

by Michelle on September 8, 2011

Stacy Lunde and her renowned horse Oakley have been a staple at the LRA (and FCA) finals for years.  This is the 6th consecutive time they have been to the LRA finals and the second time they have won it.   Stacy and Oakley have been many time year end champions in both associations.   This year they were named the LRA finals champions after a tight race with many other very competitive horse and rider teams.

Oakley has rodeo career earnings of over $125,000. Most of this being won on the LRA and FCA circuits.  The duo did one season at the pro level.  He and Stacy have won 5 saddles and a horse trailer together over the last 6 years.   At 15.2 hh  this gray gelding is not your typical barrel horse.  He wears a size 2 shoe and is as wide as he is tall.

Stacy took the time out to answer some questions for us to give us a better idea how this magic combination gets things done.

-What is the name of the horse you ran at the LRA finals?

Oakley – Honor Mossy Oak

 -How old is your horse?


 -How long have you been running barrels on him?

6 years

-What is the training background on this horse?

Dustin Cox started him and  Karen Berg bought him as a 3 year old.  Karen’s daughter Jodie Hollingsworth futuritied him.  I bought him from Karen and derbied him.

-What is your training and riding style with this particular horse?

I leave his head alone and try to just use my legs.

-What do you do to keep him running good?

– I just exercise him.  He is very smart and he doesn’t need too much barrel work.

-What is it you liked best about this horse?

I really like how quiet, and loveable he is.  He has a totally bombproof personality and I like how barrels are easy for him.

-Did you do anything different to prep for your runs at LRA finals as opposed to what you do before a regular rodeo?

Not really, he’s been there a lot so we know what to expect.

– Does Oakley run better inside or outside?

He’s pretty versatile, he can win inside and out.  He probably prefers outside since he is so big and he can really stretch out, outside.

 -What kind of saddle do you use?

Click to see Oakley's pedigree


Carl Ammerman

-What kind of pad do you use?

Impact Gel

-What kind of bit do you use in him?

Sherry Cervi short shank, 3 piece with a dog bone

-Are there any specific goals you have set for yourself and your horse this season?

In the past we have hauled to win the year end, but this year I wanted to go to less rodeos so our goal was to make the finals.

 -What lead you to be a barrel racer?

I’ve been barrel racing since I was 7.  I started in 4-H and it just carried through from there.

-If you were to share a training/rodeo tip what would it be?

Just love your horse and they will love you back.  People say Oakley does what he does because he loves me.  Look after your horses and they will love you back and do their best for you.

Check out these videos of Stacy and Oakley.  One run is outside and the other is inside at the recent LRA finals.  You can see just how versatile he is.


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