Melissa Thiessen Wins Whitewood, SK and places at two others.

by Shayna on August 15, 2011

Melissa Thiessen out of Stettler, AB was one of the top placers this past rodeo weekend.  Melissa won the CCA (Canadian Cowboys Association) rodeo in Whitewood, Sk with a time of 14.92 seconds.  Thiessen also placed 2nd in Edam, SK with a 12.38 seconds run and she placed 7th in her hometown of Stettler with a time of 18.13 seconds.  Melissa won just over $2,000 on her three runs.  For a complete look at the results you can check out the CCA Website here.  We had a chance to interview Melissa on her big weekend, here’s what she had to say:

-What is the name of the horse(s) you ran?  JC Spuring For Honor aka Spitz, I ran him at Whitewood and Stettler and Shakem Passem aka Possum, I ran him at Edam.

-How old are they?  Spitz is 8 and Possum is 12

-How long have you been running barrels on these horses? I purchased Possum in 2007 – he was 8.  I started jackpotting him in May of that year and took him to three rodeos in 2008.  I started rodeoing on him in 2009.  I purchased Spitz as a weanling.  Futuritied him and then let him grow up.  This is his first year rodeoing.  I jackpotted him enough to make the ABRA finals each year and that is about it.  He has been to 12 rodeos now all this year.

-What is the training background on each horse?  Possum was started on barrels by Halley Spady.  I had always liked him.  All the basics were there I just molded him to my style.  I started Spitz.  He has always been a “show me and I do it” horse.  I just needed to wait for him to grow up a little.  He has always tried really hard and wants to do things really fast.

-What is your training and riding style with these particular horses?  I ride all my horses the same.  Keep it simple is my theory.  I work on keeping them balanced and moving forward all the time.  I like lots of hock drive and work on keeping their front ends free-ed up and reaching.  I try to sit still and let them do their job.

-What is it you like best about these horses?  Both of these guys are willing and confident.  Possum is so easy and fun.  He is a point and shoot kind of guy.  He loves inside and little pens.  His speed is so instant and he turns so efficiently, even though he’s a bigger horse he excels in small pens.  Spitz is just that – a Spitfire.  he tries hard every time and is really turny.  He is quick inside and really fun outside because he wants to turn so bad.  Spitz loves to be on the road.  Steve (my Husband), always said that he has wanted to be a rodeo horse and in the spot light since he was a baby.  He came with a huge confidence from the get go. 

*Possum got to shine in Edam’s small 12 second pattern arena while Spitz got to show how turny he is in the bigger outdoor pens at Whitewood and Stettler.

-How did you feel all of your runs were on the weekend?  I felt they were all good.  Both are back from injuries earlier in the month.  Possum had a reaction to clover and had blisters all over his legs.  I had not ran him for a month.  I was really happy with him at Edam.  He felt like his old self.  Spitz worked great everywhere.  In May I realized he was swallowing his tongue.  So I started to tie it down and then had to learn how to ride him all over again because he had this new speed.  Then because he was running so hard, he broke a splint bone.  It has taken me five or six runs to figure out how to ride him again.  I felt at Whitewood that I got my timing with him.

-What kind of saddle do you use?  I ride Possum in a Connie Combs by Saddlesmith and Spitz in a Brandie Halls by Cactus.

-What kind of pad do you use?  5 Star on both horses.

-What kind of bit(s) do you use?  I like to run my horses in rope hackamores.  I will school them in lots of different bits.  I change it up all the time with Spitz.  Different bit everytime I school to keep ahead of him.  He’s too smart.  Possum is always in a hackamore.  He is funny about having things in his mouth.

-How do you keep your horses in shape with all of the traveling?  I like to keep my horses fresh.  Once they are fit and on the road I worry more about getting them enough rest and “free time” more than keeping them in shape.  They all have grass pens at home that they get to hang out in when we are home.  We have a hotwalker that I use a lot.  I like to ride out in the fields when I am home too.

-Are there any specific goals you have set for yourself and your horses this rodeo season?  To make the finals of course.  With all my horses my goal every time is to ride them right.  Let them do their job and they will be fast.  If I can be the fastest on my day or winning it when I leave I am happy.  Mother nature has a way of equalizing/eliminating us in this game and we can’t beat ourselves up over things we can’t control.

-What lead you to be a barrel racer?  My dad was a bull rider.  My mom was a buckle-bunny.  Grew up around horses.  I had no choices :).  I started riding when I was really little – can’t remember not riding actually.

-If you were to share a training/rodeo tip what would it be?  Keep yourself and your horse happy.  That is why we do this for fun and lots of people forget the fun part.

Possum's Pedigree - click to enlarge

Spitz's Pedigree - click to enlarge

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