Manitoba and Alberta Barrel Racing Finals Underway

by Shayna on August 25, 2011

With two provinces holding their barrel racing association finals there are going to be a ton of barrel runs happening this weekend!  The Alberta Barrel Racing Association (ABRA) Finals started on Wednesday, August 24th and they will go till Sunday, August 28th.  The Manitoba Barrel Racing Association (MBRA) Finals will start tomorrow, August 26th and will also go until Sunday, August 28th.  You can check out Alberta’s website here for the draw.  To look at the MBRA draw and results when they become available you can check out their website here.  Be sure to stay tuned to the blog for updates and results on both of these finals!

In the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association (CPRA) there is a pro rodeo taking place in Lethbridge, AB August 25-27.  There is also a bull riding event taking place in Airdrie, AB on Saturday, August 27th.

In the Wildrose Rodeo Association (WRA) there is only one rodeo this weekend which is in Sangudo, AB August 26-27th.  Click here to check out the WRA Website.

There is also only one rodeo taking place in the Chinook Rodeo Association this weekend (August 26th) which is held in Taber, AB.  Click here to check out the CRA Website.

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook and to “Follow” us on Twitter to ensure you are receiving all of the latest information.  Be sure to check back next week for results from the ABRA and MBRA Finals!

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