Jane Melby and RC Back in Black win the 2011 Jasper, AB Pro Rodeo

by Shayna on August 22, 2011

We were able to do a quick interview this morning with Jane Melby.  Jane and her mare RC Back In Black just won the Pro Rodeo in Jasper, AB this past weekend with a smoking time of 13.07 seconds.  Here is what Jane had to tell us:

-What is the name of the horse you ran?  RC Back In Black aka Beauty

-How old is she?  7

-How long have you been running barrels on Beauty?  I’ve owned her for exactly a year now.

-What is the training background on this horse?  Purchased her from a lady by the name of Diane Moe in Minnesota.  Between her, myself and my husband we made her the horse she is.

-What is your training and riding style with this particular horse?  She’s incredibly fast so I try to just stay ahead of her.

-What is it you liked best about Beauty?  Her speed.

-How did you feel your run was at Jasper?  I felt my run was very nice.

-What sorts of things do you do to prepare for your rodeo runs?  Keep her happy and calm, the barrel racing part of it is pretty easy.

-What kind of saddle do you use?  Stoney

-What kind of pad do you use?  Diamond Wool

-What kind of bit(s) do you use? Carolina bits

-How do you keep your horses in shape and feeling fresh with all the traveling?  I feel taking them out of all commotion and letting them relax for a few days is very important.  Today I phoned a private place to stay at for her two days off until the Lethbridge Pro Rodeo.

-Are there any specific goals you have set for yourself and Beauty this rodeo season?  To make the NFR and possibly the CFR.  I’m on the bubble for both.  Beauty had an abscess after the finals at Ponoka and had to be out for awhile – we’re just getting back running now.

-What lead you to be a barrel racer?  I’ve kind of done it my whole life.  I started out when I was a little girl, my dad liked to see me go fast and I’ve just gone from there.

-If you were to share a training/rodeo tip what would it be?  Have a positive attitude.  It’s very important to have and at this time of the year you either have it or you don’t.

Beauty's Pedigree - click to enlarge

Here’s Jane’s second go run at the 2011 National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO.  You can also watch more run of Jane and RC Back in Black off of her YouTube Channel here.


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