Interview with the 2011 SBRA Open Short-Go Winner

by Shayna on August 11, 2011

Kareen Warren of Rockhaven, SK was just recently crowned the 1D Open Short-Go Winner of the Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Association (SBRA).  Kareen has also been making her way up in the Canadian Cowboys Association (CCA) standings where she is currently sitting in 5th place with $5,532.41 won (on 8 year old JD).  Kareen and her horse Cindy won the 1D Short-Go in the Open at the SBRA finals with a time of 14.51 seconds (second place was a 14.60 turned in by Ashley Roy of Harris, SK).  Here’s what Kareen had to tell us:

-What is the name of your horse?  This Bully Is Back aka Cindy (Pedigree below)
-How old is she?  5
-How long have you been running barrels on her?  She has been running barrels for about a year.
-What is the training background on Cindy?  I bought her as a started two year old and did the rest of the training.
-What is your training and riding style with this particular horse?  I do the same for every horse for training style but they choose what works best for them.  As long as they are collected, I let them choose their turning style.
-What is it you like about Cindy?  I like the mind on this horse the best out of all her attributes.
-How did you feel all your runs were at the finals?  My runs at the finals were good except my first run was very colty.  She needed a time only for a little confidence booster.
-Did you do anything different to prepare for your runs at SBRA as opposed to what you do before a rodeo run?  My preparation was no different from a rodeo run.  You try to make the best run that particular horse is capable of.
-What other big accomplishments other then winning the SBRA Finals are you proud of with Cindy?  There are no other big accomplishments as she is only five.
-What kind of saddle do you use?  I use a Frontier Futurity Rider
-What kind of pad do you use?  Professional Choice pad
-What kind of bit do you use in Cindy?  I use multiple bits but use a smooth snaffle a lot in her.
-How do you keep your horses in shape with all of the traveling?  I exercise my horses a couple times a week going at least four to five miles but I also rope on them as well to help for fitness.
-Are there any specific goals you have set for yourself and Cindy this season?  I have no specific goals for this horse, for this season.  I am going to enter a couple futurities this fall.
-If you were to share a training/rodeo tip what would it be?  The biggest tip I would like to share is keep it simple.  Horses are black or white.  They don’t understand the grey zone.

We would like to thank Kareen for the interview and wish her and Cindy good luck on the rest of their rodeo season!

Check out Cindy’s Pedigree:

This Bully Is Back
2006 Bay mare
LA Jollas Gold Streakin la Jolla Streakin Six Easy Six
Miss Assured
Bottom\’s Up Raise Your Glass
LA Jolla
Pockatus Gold Rocket Wrangler Rocket Bar
Go Galla Go
Pockatu Truly Truckle
Royal Bonbon
Weetona Two Bully Bullion Special Effort Raise Your Glass
Go Effortlessly
Mary Poppins Bond Issue
For Cash Wee Dash Dash for Cash Rocket Wrangler
Find a Buyer
Weetona Balladier
Sailing Lady Bug
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