Buff – Broncs & Honky Tonks Rodeo Barrel Racing Champ

by Michelle on May 2, 2012

The 2009 Canadian Champion Barrel Racing team of Gaylene Buff and her horse Dat Blue Moon (Vador) are off to a great start in 2012.  The pair have entered only 1 Canadian rodeo to date and came out on top.  The 12.941 they ran in Friday morning slack in Medicine Hat was the only sub 13 second run of the weekend. The win was good for $2043, enough to have Westwold, BC cowgirl currently in 2nd place in the Canadian standings.  Add that to the money she has won in NV, ID and CA this spring she is Canada’s highest earning barrel racers in the WPRA standings.  Buff currently sits 58th in the World standings.

Proof you can find your next champion on Rodeoclassifieds, Buff purchased Vador after seeing him listed on Rodeoclassifieds.com back in the fall of 2006.  Since starting to run him in the spring of 2007, the pair have been a force to be reckoned with including being very close to winning the Canadian championship again in 2011.

We are very thankful Gaylene was able to take the time out of her travel schedule to answer these questions for us.

What is the name of the horse you ran?
His name registered name is Dat Blue Moon –  Barn name is Vador

Dat Blue Moon "Vador" - Click to enlarge

How old is he?
14 yrs old

How long have you been running barrels on him?
I have owned him since fall of ’06  Started to run him spring of ’07

What is the training background on this horse?
I bought him already patterned

What is your training and riding style with your horse?
My style of riding Vador is completely different from any other horse I run.  I keep him straight to his points and instead of sitting up on his hip, he goes down with his shoulders and kinda pulls with his front at the same time as he pushes with his hind end around the barrels.

What is it you like best about him?
His fight from within –  He is a bit of a handful sometimes and that is what makes him so good… I think

You won the rodeo, but did it feel like a winning run?
Yes, it did…

How do you prepare Vador for your runs (warm up etc.)?
I do lots of long trotting with Vador to loosen his stride and also some tight circles

What kind of saddle do you use?
On Vador I use a custom made saddle from Double J Saddlery called “The Buff”

What kind of pad do you use?
It depends, I switch from gel and memory foam.

What kind of bit do you use?
I use many to work my horses in, but on Vador, I like the goose tree and one made by Fred Hunter.

Are there any specific goals you have set for yourself and your horse this season?
I have set been entering both sides of the border and am wanting to win as much as possible, with all of my horses.

What lead you to be a barrel racer?
My love for horses and the challenge of the competition

If you were to share a training/rodeo tip what would it be?
No matter what you do,  if you’re gonna go through the motions,  you have got to first believe in yourself.

Here is a look at one of Gaylene’s runs and her interview after winning the Canadian Championship in 2009

This is a video of Gaylene and Vador winning the first round of the Wrangler Tour Finals in 2011

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