Bailey Hughson Wins the 2011 FCA Finals

by Shayna on October 12, 2011

Bailey Hughson and her horse Rebel just won the ladies barrel racing at the 2011 Foothills Cowboys Association (FCA) Finals.  The FCA Cowboy Classic Finals were held this past weekend on October 7-9th at Westerner Park in Red Deer, AB.  Bailey ended up with three 2nd place finishes out of the four go rounds and she also won the average.  Hughson ended up with a total of 130 points to win the Ladies Barrel Racing.  Shayna Dodds came in second with a total of 100 points.  For a complete look at the finals results you can click here.  We recently had the chance to talk with Bailey, here is what she had to say:

-What is the name of your horse?

Iron Rebel ChargeX aka Rebel

Rebel's Pedigree - click to enlarge

-How old is your horse?

Just turned 10 this spring

-How long have you been running barrels on him?

Since I got him, I got him two springs ago so this is my second season on him.

-What is the training background on this horse?

Isabel Miller broke him and trained him then Bobbi June Radford had him and her daughter Skylar Mantler also ran him at a few rodeos.

-What is it you like best about this horse?

That he runs good and is super consistent.  He is always nice to be around, he’s not a crazy barrel horse.

-What is your riding style with this particular horse?

At the finals his first couple runs were consistent, nice and pretty runs.  Skylar came up to me and said that I need to hussle him and make him run harder so then I rode him a little more aggressive.  He needs a little more help to run inside.

-How did you feel your runs were at the FCA Finals?

I was very happy with them.  Sunday was my best run.  I tend to get behind him coming out of his first barrel which makes it harder to get him to run to second, but I really got up and rode him better on Sunday.  I feel when we don’t have the perfect run or tip a barrel it’s my fault not his, he’s always listening to me and sometimes I tell him the wrong thing. 

-How do you prepare for your runs (warm up, etc)?

I start out long trotting him to loosen him up then I will lope big and small circles both ways.  I make sure that he is working off of his hind end.  I don’t do a lot of fast stuff, just work at getting his muscles warmed up.  Right before my run and when I am going in the alley I get him excited by whipping and kissing to him.

-Did you have a different game plan going into the finals as opposed to what you would do at a regular rodeo?

During the season I felt I was kind of lucky, the rodeos I won seemed to be the ones that had more money up.  I am at University so I am not able to be home a lot to ride.  My mom and dad have been taking care of him and excerising him while I am away at school.  I felt out of practice so I didn’t really have a game plan.  Going into finals I didn’t really know what to expect since he likes the big outdoor pens so I just went with it.

-What kind of saddle do you use?

Cowboy Country Qualifier

-What kind of pad do you use?

Navaho blanket and a roping pad

-What kind of bit do you use?

A Dave Elliot one with long shanks and a gag bit

-How do you keep your horses in shape throughout the rodeo year?

Rebel has to be in the barn in the spring because his feet will get sore but I will long trot him down the ditch then on Tuesday or Wednesday I will sprint him down the field to get his lungs built up then the other days I will lope him around the barrels but I won’t ever make runs on him.  When I am done riding him I will put him on the hotwalker for one to two hours while I get his stall all ready.

-Were there any specific goals you had set for you and your horse this season?

Yes, but some I didn’t make.  In the High School Rodeos I wanted to make the Nationals in Gillette but with the spring being so wet I didn’t get to make a lot of runs on Rebel so we weren’t that ready for finals and didn’t end up qualifying.  I really just went with it and whatever I won I took.

-What lead you to be a barrel racer?

I’ve rode since before I could talk or walk.  My dad rodeoed and I really liked it.  In grade five when all my friends were getting into school sports which I didn’t have success in, I decided I was going to be a barrel racer.

-Do you have any other plans for this year with Rebel or is he getting the rest of the year off now?

Chinook Finals are in a couple weeks then I will let him have the winter off because we put a lot of miles on this summer.

-If you were to share a training/rodeo tip what would it be?

To keep your head in the right place, whether you are winning or not you got to keep it in the right place.  Once you have success it is harder to keep it up so you have to have a level head in everything.

*Bailey would like to give a big thank you to Bobbi June and Skylar for helping her out with everything.


Bailey and Rebel in Rockyford

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