Big weekend for Lacombe Barrel Racer

by Michelle on July 4, 2012

When you’re hot your hot and Cranna Roberts is on one of those rolls. Winning Williams Lake, Making the Short Go in Ponoka and placing in Airdrie, Cranna earned over $10,000 during the July long weekend. With many of the top barrel racers in the world up in Canada Cranna is among tough company. The 10 year old mare Leaguer Moon (Mooney) proved she can fit right in among the best in the business. Thank you Cranna for taking the time to answer our questions (read ’em below).
Check out this great picture from Dynamic Photography at Ponoka. Check out their albums, lots of great action shots.

What is the name of the horse you are running?
Leaguer Moon aka Mooney (By Raisin The Moon out of a Major Bonanza bred mare)

How old is she?
10 year old mare

How long have you been running Mooney?
I got her when she was 5. However she had 2011 off due to an injury

What is Mooney’s training background?
I didn’t do much barrel patterns to start, spent more time on this one just getting her broke. Mooney makes you work for it.

What is your training and running style with her?
My training style changes with each horse but the foundation of my program would be having a horse that is soft and flexible and willing

What do you like best about Mooney?
Mooney has heart and ATTITUDE and no matter what you do she still will throw a curve ball

You won Williams Lake Rodeo, but did it feel like a “winning run”?
I went in the same as any other run, but Mooney is still learning to run on all types of ground. This run had some flaws but we still clocked

How do you prepare for your runs? Warm up etc.
I don’t get to excited. I go for a long trot, lope a few circle, do some stretching exercise, and then usually get off and walk her around

You had to make 3 runs in the same arena at Ponoka, did you do anything different than you normally would?
No I try to follow the same program each time.

What kind of Saddle do you ride in?
Dee Butterfield

What kind of pad to you use?
100% felt

What type of bit do you use?
A sliding gag with a curb strap (custom)
Check it out in the picture above, looks interesting…. M)

Do you have any specific goals set for this year?
Qualify for the CFR

What led you to be a barrel racer?
The speed and challenge

Can you offer a barrel racing tip or word of advice?
Work hard & big dreams

Thanks to Everything Cowboy, we have a great video of Cranna during her long go run in Ponoka.

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