1 Y Quarter Horses – Home of Ninety Nine Goldmine

by Michelle on January 7, 2015

Having a strict checklist for what makes up their mare power, William and Donna Beierbach choose quality over quantity. Home to Ninety Nine Goldmine, 1 Y Quarter Horses is situated near Maple Creek, Saskatchewan.

1 Y Quarter Horses is the third interview in our special ranch series. Thank you Donna, for taking the time to answer these questions for us.

Ninety Nine Goldmine

Ninety Nine Goldmine

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

How long have you been breeding Quarter Horses, tell us about the history of your ranch.

Both our families have raised horses since before we were born, but shortly after we were married we bought the first stallion of our “own” : IT SASKINIC

What is your ultimate goal for your breeding program? What keeps you going during the hard days?

The Ultimate goal is to raise & train/sell QUALITY horses…the kind that make winners, Possess good conformation, athletic ability and trainable minds… being competitive people, we don’t just want to raise them for the sake of raising them…we want them to go on and be successful.

Tell us about your stallion and what made you pick him to promote

Presence… there was something about him that I couldn’t get out of my head. He is strong made, with a lot of bone and foot like you don’t see anymore in race horses. This was the initial “love at first sight” thing…but now its more about his offspring. Having worked with them, ridden them and got to know what they are like, this is what has kept us “hooked” on 99. His siring ability.

William and Donna with RC Back In Black after her third go round win at the NFR.

William and Donna with RC Back In Black after her third go round win at the NFR.

Tell us about some successful offspring from your stallion or breeding program.

The most notable is RC Back In Black that Jane Melby qualified for the CFR and NFR on.  She won 3 rounds at the 2011 NFR.  Her back up horse  RC Brooks A Streakin, which she rode at the CFR and NFR that year was also by Ninety Nine Goldmine.   He won money in the rounds at the CFR.    Katies Mine holds the arena record in Ponoka with a 17.0 on a standard pattern, KRK Goldmine and RC Packin Gold have both been CCA Finalists.    Attached is a document listing many more notable offspring on the barrels.  Ninety Nine Goldmine has also had several good colts on the track.

Click to view

Click to view


Paystreak - 2 Year Old sold for $20,000 at auction in September 2013.

Paystreak – 2 Year Old sold for $20,000 at auction in September 2013.

What is your favorite part of standing a stallion to the public?

We get real excited when people book an outstanding mare. You feel kinda proud that they would choose your stallion, out of the hundreds  (more like thousands) that are out there, available to them. Then hearing back from these people when the foal is born – the excitement and anticipation in their voice-  and then later on when they start to work with them and really get to ENJOY them and they share that with us in pictures or little updates…That is very rewarding…Oh!  and I LOVE pedigrees…could study them endlessly…it’s a good thing to know in this business so that’s one of my favorite parts too!

Tell us about the mare power on your ranch.

Ninety Nine Goldmine happens to carry the Rabicano gene which makes for interesting markings.

Ninety Nine Goldmine happens to carry the Rabicano gene which makes for interesting color sometimes.

We have daughters of Firewater Flit, Dash Ta Fame, Sixarun, Frenchmans Guy, Leo Nick Bar etc. but bloodlines aren’t enough. (although we try to stick with families that have produced winners over and over) We are very fussy about conformation that is specific to this event. Elevation, low hocks, strong loins, carry down, v’d up in the front end,  clean necks…and pretty heads. We are continually upgrading (or trying to anyway) We pick mares that compliment the stallion and in hoping to produce great ones, we certainly don’t expect him to do it all himself. We could’ve made a lot of money simply mass-producing foals off 99 but, instead chose to insist on the QUALITY over quantity approach… Finally, if we don’t like a mare’s attitude she won’t be here long.

What would be one tip you could offer to owners shopping for stallion services?

Do your homework.

LOOK AT THE OFFSPRING…because in the end that is what matters. I don’t care how pretty the stud is, who he’s out of, what he’s done or where he stands…some just plain are not PREPOTENT in their siring abilities. If you can’t go out and look at a pen full of his colts and see some consistency (hopefully of DESIRABLE traits) then that stallion has kind of a watered down effect…no different than with breeding cattle…my husband can literally pick out calves off a certain herd sire by the shape of their heads (all black, in a pen of several hundred)…LOOK FOR THAT in a stallion…otherwise you are just rolling the dice. You want the desirable traits to be more the rule than the exception… and don’t base your opinion (good or bad) on ONE individual off a sire. I see people doing this all the time…they’ve literally ridden one XYZ bred horse in their life and then unfairly go and make generalizations about that XYZ bloodline across the board.

Could you offer any advice to someone considering getting into the breeding business?

You better darn well LOVE IT…the whole process…if you think is just about cute, fuzzy foals frolicking through the springtime flowers, it’s not. Lol It’s a lot of hard work, time and money invested to do it properly. You will need thick skin. You can’t half-ass it if you are going to do it as a successful business.  Good quality horses continue to bring good money, so strive to put the best quality horses on the market that you possibly can.

To learn more about 1Y Quarter Horses check out their website or visit them on Facebook.
You can also learn more about Ninety Nine Goldmine in his Rodeoclassifieds.com ad

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